Establishing the right to local self-government at the state level so every Ohio citizen has equal opportunity to exercise their right to make decisions affecting their community's well-being. The right to do this is articulated in the principles of the Declaration of Independence and in our Ohio Constitution.
The goal of the Ohio Community Rights Constitutional Amendments is to codify, as a state constitutional guarantee, the right of self-government at the local level.
Ohio is one out of 18 states that allows voters the right to amend our constitution through the ballot initiative process. Ohio citizens will use this initiative process to put the Ohio Community Rights Amendments on the ballot. Instituting local self-governance enables communities to protect their health, economies and local environment from corporate threats stemming from practices that elevate profit over community well-being.

Over the last 200 years, corporations have manufactured a structure of law through which they receive ever-increasing rights and privileges. Today corporations have gained such control they are unapologetically preempting community self-determination when corporate interests are at stake. Corporations prioritize maximizing profit, typically for distant investors who have no connection to the community; consequently, the best interests of the community residents and its environment are less important than the corporate exploitation of humans, human labor, natural or mineral resources, and the poisoning of the community's air, water, and soil.